# "Calamity Cobra in "A Sweet Surprise" ![1](/screenshots/1.png) ![2](/screenshots/2.png) ![3](/screenshots/3.png) ![4](/screenshots/4.png) My entry for the 2022 WeightGaming Gain Jam. A top down arcade shooter with some fetishy elements. ## Build ### Dependencies - SDL2 - SDL_image - SDL_mixer - SDL_ttf - emscripten (Web only) ### Linux This repository uses CMake to compile, so: `mkdir build` `cd build` `cmake ..` `make` ### Windows I used MinGW for the Windows build, so basically the same as Linux but you'll need to use MSYS, MinGW, etc. to compile it. I would recommend using ninja with cmake, so ``cmake .. -G Ninja `` and then ``ninja`` in the build directory. ### Web (Emscripten) Make sure you have Emscripten all configured with all the needed ports (see above). Then: `mkdir build` `cd build` `emcmake cmake ..` `emmake make` Make sure you've got the resources folder and that it's placed in the same directory as the executable. You can get that [here](https://shweetz.net/files/games/calamity-cobra-resources-1.2.7z).