/* * Copyright (c), Recep Aslantas. * * MIT License (MIT), http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Full license can be found in the LICENSE file */ #ifndef cglms_projects_h #define cglms_projects_h #include "../common.h" #include "../types-struct.h" #include "../project.h" #include "vec3.h" #include "vec4.h" #include "mat4.h" /*! * @brief maps the specified viewport coordinates into specified space [1] * the matrix should contain projection matrix. * * if you don't have ( and don't want to have ) an inverse matrix then use * glm_unproject version. You may use existing inverse of matrix in somewhere * else, this is why glm_unprojecti exists to save save inversion cost * * [1] space: * 1- if m = invProj: View Space * 2- if m = invViewProj: World Space * 3- if m = invMVP: Object Space * * You probably want to map the coordinates into object space * so use invMVP as m * * Computing viewProj: * glm_mat4_mul(proj, view, viewProj); * glm_mat4_mul(viewProj, model, MVP); * glm_mat4_inv(viewProj, invMVP); * * @param[in] pos point/position in viewport coordinates * @param[in] invMat matrix (see brief) * @param[in] vp viewport as [x, y, width, height] * @returns unprojected coordinates */ CGLM_INLINE vec3s glms_unprojecti(vec3s pos, mat4s invMat, vec4s vp) { vec3s r; glm_unprojecti(pos.raw, invMat.raw, vp.raw, r.raw); return r; } /*! * @brief maps the specified viewport coordinates into specified space [1] * the matrix should contain projection matrix. * * this is same as glm_unprojecti except this function get inverse matrix for * you. * * [1] space: * 1- if m = proj: View Space * 2- if m = viewProj: World Space * 3- if m = MVP: Object Space * * You probably want to map the coordinates into object space * so use MVP as m * * Computing viewProj and MVP: * glm_mat4_mul(proj, view, viewProj); * glm_mat4_mul(viewProj, model, MVP); * * @param[in] pos point/position in viewport coordinates * @param[in] m matrix (see brief) * @param[in] vp viewport as [x, y, width, height] * @returns unprojected coordinates */ CGLM_INLINE vec3s glms_unproject(vec3s pos, mat4s m, vec4s vp) { vec3s r; glm_unproject(pos.raw, m.raw, vp.raw, r.raw); return r; } /*! * @brief map object coordinates to window coordinates * * Computing MVP: * glm_mat4_mul(proj, view, viewProj); * glm_mat4_mul(viewProj, model, MVP); * * @param[in] pos object coordinates * @param[in] m MVP matrix * @param[in] vp viewport as [x, y, width, height] * @returns projected coordinates */ CGLM_INLINE vec3s glms_project(vec3s pos, mat4s m, vec4s vp) { vec3s r; glm_project(pos.raw, m.raw, vp.raw, r.raw); return r; } /*! * @brief define a picking region * * @param[in] center center [x, y] of a picking region in window coordinates * @param[in] size size [width, height] of the picking region in window coordinates * @param[in] vp viewport as [x, y, width, height] * @returns projected coordinates */ CGLM_INLINE mat4s glms_pickmatrix(vec2s center, vec2s size, vec4s vp) { mat4s res; glm_pickmatrix(center.raw, size.raw, vp.raw, res.raw); return res; } #endif /* cglms_projects_h */