/* * Copyright (c), Recep Aslantas. * * MIT License (MIT), http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Full license can be found in the LICENSE file */ /* Macros: GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT GLM_MAT2_ZERO_INIT GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY GLM_MAT2_ZERO Functions: CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_copy(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_identity(mat2 mat) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_identity_array(mat2 * restrict mat, size_t count) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_zero(mat2 mat) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_mul(mat2 m1, mat2 m2, mat2 dest) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_transpose_to(mat2 m, mat2 dest) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_transpose(mat2 m) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_mulv(mat2 m, vec2 v, vec2 dest) CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_trace(mat2 m) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_scale(mat2 m, float s) CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_det(mat2 mat) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_inv(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_swap_col(mat2 mat, int col1, int col2) CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_swap_row(mat2 mat, int row1, int row2) CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_rmc(vec2 r, mat2 m, vec2 c) */ #ifndef cglm_mat2_h #define cglm_mat2_h #include "common.h" #include "vec2.h" #ifdef CGLM_SSE_FP # include "simd/sse2/mat2.h" #endif #ifdef CGLM_NEON_FP # include "simd/neon/mat2.h" #endif #define GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT {{1.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}} #define GLM_MAT2_ZERO_INIT {{0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f}} /* for C only */ #define GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY ((mat2)GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT) #define GLM_MAT2_ZERO ((mat2)GLM_MAT2_ZERO_INIT) /*! * @brief copy all members of [mat] to [dest] * * @param[in] mat source * @param[out] dest destination */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_copy(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) { glm_vec4_ucopy(mat[0], dest[0]); } /*! * @brief make given matrix identity. It is identical with below, * but it is more easy to do that with this func especially for members * e.g. glm_mat2_identity(aStruct->aMatrix); * * @code * glm_mat2_copy(GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY, mat); // C only * * // or * mat2 mat = GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT; * @endcode * * @param[in, out] mat destination */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_identity(mat2 mat) { CGLM_ALIGN_MAT mat2 t = GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT; glm_mat2_copy(t, mat); } /*! * @brief make given matrix array's each element identity matrix * * @param[in, out] mat matrix array (must be aligned (16) * if alignment is not disabled) * * @param[in] count count of matrices */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_identity_array(mat2 * __restrict mat, size_t count) { CGLM_ALIGN_MAT mat2 t = GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { glm_mat2_copy(t, mat[i]); } } /*! * @brief make given matrix zero. * * @param[in, out] mat matrix */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_zero(mat2 mat) { CGLM_ALIGN_MAT mat2 t = GLM_MAT2_ZERO_INIT; glm_mat2_copy(t, mat); } /*! * @brief multiply m1 and m2 to dest * * m1, m2 and dest matrices can be same matrix, it is possible to write this: * * @code * mat2 m = GLM_MAT2_IDENTITY_INIT; * glm_mat2_mul(m, m, m); * @endcode * * @param[in] m1 left matrix * @param[in] m2 right matrix * @param[out] dest destination matrix */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_mul(mat2 m1, mat2 m2, mat2 dest) { #if defined( __SSE__ ) || defined( __SSE2__ ) glm_mat2_mul_sse2(m1, m2, dest); #elif defined(CGLM_NEON_FP) glm_mat2_mul_neon(m1, m2, dest); #else float a00 = m1[0][0], a01 = m1[0][1], a10 = m1[1][0], a11 = m1[1][1], b00 = m2[0][0], b01 = m2[0][1], b10 = m2[1][0], b11 = m2[1][1]; dest[0][0] = a00 * b00 + a10 * b01; dest[0][1] = a01 * b00 + a11 * b01; dest[1][0] = a00 * b10 + a10 * b11; dest[1][1] = a01 * b10 + a11 * b11; #endif } /*! * @brief transpose mat2 and store in dest * * source matrix will not be transposed unless dest is m * * @param[in] m matrix * @param[out] dest result */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_transpose_to(mat2 m, mat2 dest) { #if defined( __SSE__ ) || defined( __SSE2__ ) glm_mat2_transp_sse2(m, dest); #else dest[0][0] = m[0][0]; dest[0][1] = m[1][0]; dest[1][0] = m[0][1]; dest[1][1] = m[1][1]; #endif } /*! * @brief tranpose mat2 and store result in same matrix * * @param[in, out] m source and dest */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_transpose(mat2 m) { float tmp; tmp = m[0][1]; m[0][1] = m[1][0]; m[1][0] = tmp; } /*! * @brief multiply mat2 with vec2 (column vector) and store in dest vector * * @param[in] m mat2 (left) * @param[in] v vec2 (right, column vector) * @param[out] dest vec2 (result, column vector) */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_mulv(mat2 m, vec2 v, vec2 dest) { dest[0] = m[0][0] * v[0] + m[1][0] * v[1]; dest[1] = m[0][1] * v[0] + m[1][1] * v[1]; } /*! * @brief trace of matrix * * sum of the elements on the main diagonal from upper left to the lower right * * @param[in] m matrix */ CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_trace(mat2 m) { return m[0][0] + m[1][1]; } /*! * @brief scale (multiply with scalar) matrix * * multiply matrix with scalar * * @param[in, out] m matrix * @param[in] s scalar */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_scale(mat2 m, float s) { #if defined( __SSE__ ) || defined( __SSE2__ ) glmm_store(m[0], _mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(m[0]), _mm_set1_ps(s))); #elif defined(CGLM_NEON_FP) vst1q_f32(m[0], vmulq_f32(vld1q_f32(m[0]), vdupq_n_f32(s))); #else m[0][0] = m[0][0] * s; m[0][1] = m[0][1] * s; m[1][0] = m[1][0] * s; m[1][1] = m[1][1] * s; #endif } /*! * @brief mat2 determinant * * @param[in] mat matrix * * @return determinant */ CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_det(mat2 mat) { return mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1]; } /*! * @brief inverse mat2 and store in dest * * @param[in] mat matrix * @param[out] dest inverse matrix */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_inv(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) { float det; float a = mat[0][0], b = mat[0][1], c = mat[1][0], d = mat[1][1]; det = 1.0f / (a * d - b * c); dest[0][0] = d * det; dest[0][1] = -b * det; dest[1][0] = -c * det; dest[1][1] = a * det; } /*! * @brief swap two matrix columns * * @param[in,out] mat matrix * @param[in] col1 col1 * @param[in] col2 col2 */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_swap_col(mat2 mat, int col1, int col2) { float a, b; a = mat[col1][0]; b = mat[col1][1]; mat[col1][0] = mat[col2][0]; mat[col1][1] = mat[col2][1]; mat[col2][0] = a; mat[col2][1] = b; } /*! * @brief swap two matrix rows * * @param[in,out] mat matrix * @param[in] row1 row1 * @param[in] row2 row2 */ CGLM_INLINE void glm_mat2_swap_row(mat2 mat, int row1, int row2) { float a, b; a = mat[0][row1]; b = mat[1][row1]; mat[0][row1] = mat[0][row2]; mat[1][row1] = mat[1][row2]; mat[0][row2] = a; mat[1][row2] = b; } /*! * @brief helper for R (row vector) * M (matrix) * C (column vector) * * rmc stands for Row * Matrix * Column * * the result is scalar because R * M = Matrix1x2 (row vector), * then Matrix1x2 * Vec2 (column vector) = Matrix1x1 (Scalar) * * @param[in] r row vector or matrix1x2 * @param[in] m matrix2x2 * @param[in] c column vector or matrix2x1 * * @return scalar value e.g. Matrix1x1 */ CGLM_INLINE float glm_mat2_rmc(vec2 r, mat2 m, vec2 c) { vec2 tmp; glm_mat2_mulv(m, c, tmp); return glm_vec2_dot(r, tmp); } #endif /* cglm_mat2_h */